Do you have unexplained headaches, anxiety,
back pain, weight gain, low sex drive, constant fatigue,
asthma, chronic pain, or mental confusion?
Have you been to doctor after doctor and been told
they don’t know what’s wrong?

You can get better!

In this groundbreaking book, renowned osteopathic physician Dr. Maud Nerman demonstrates how these and many other symptoms can stem from your body’s inability to recover after injury or trauma—including accidents so minor they didn’t appear to cause injury.

Weaving together personal stories from patients, three decades of experience, the healing tradition of osteopathic medicine, and recent scientific discoveries, Dr. Nerman explains why the body’s interconnectedness is often the key to recovery and how you can understand the clues it provides.

Sharing insight into how the body works to reclaim its health, Dr. Nerman offers a multitude of ways that will empower you to take control of your own healing journey.

Tapping Into The Body’s Remarkable Healing Ability with Maud Nerman, D.O.

The founder of osteopathic medicine, Andrew Taylor Still, said, “To find health should be the object of the doctor. Anyone can find disease.” The training of osteopathic medicine is identical to that of the M.D. profession. However, an osteopathic physician has up to 500 additional hours of anatomy, manual medicine, and kinesiology. Like M.D.s, these doctors can also prescribe drugs and do surgery. Nerman tells us that what is most important [...]

Reviewed by George Erdosh

This well-organized, well-written book in easy-to-read style will be useful for many of us healing from an injury or being in pain whether occasional or chronic. Author Maud Nerman is an osteopathic physician who treated thousands of patients and wrote Healing Pain and Injury.

“As you read this book, you will discover the surprising and little-recognized ways that trauma damages your health.”




See Dr. Maud live!

January 26-27 2019: Dr. Nerman is thrilled to announce that Dr. Kenneth Lossing and Dr. Tasha Turzo are joining her to teach the advanced course on treating traumatic brain injury . This is a rare opportunity to be taught by three of the great innovators of osteopathic medicine. The course is attended by some of the greatest living osteopaths  - each year, practitioners share their powerful techniques and approaches - this is not to be missed.

Click here for Registration Form

MRI of the Human Dural Lymphatics

Dr. Maud Nerman, Dr. Kenneth Lossing, and Dr. Tasha Turzo have each developed cutting-edge, effective techniques for treating seemingly intractable cases of concussion. This course will focus on restoring the proper position of the brain, re-establishing optimal fluid dynamics in the brain, aiding the growth of neural stem cells, and highlighting the role of the jaw, mouth and tongue in SBS function. Take your treatments to the next level in this not-to-be-missed course with three superstars of osteopathic medicine.

Click here for Registration PDF
Form & Brochure

For more information or to register,
Call Adrienne at 415 378-8742. 



How Cranial Osteopathy heals traumatic brain injury.

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(415) 895-5859
Novato California

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